Tuesday, January 22, 2008

TA DAA !!!

oh my gosh !!! it's cast off, blocked, and done !!!! I honestly didnt think this day would come. I stopped by Wendi's house today and saw her Sheltland Shawl. she also finished and blocked hers this weekend. it turned out lovely, and I was so worried about how mine was going to look. when I got home tonight, and settled in, I decided to go downstairs and pull the pins out and see what it was going to look like. to say I'm impressed, and thrilled is an understatment !!! my only complaint is that the pictures dont do justice to how nice the beads sparkle and catch the light.

darn fine job, my first lace project, my first bead project, my first shawl and my first blocking ...... alls well that ends well, I guess :)

special thanks to my daughter for modelling it for me ..... and to Mary @ work, couldn't have done all those beads without your help !!
as an added note .... this shawl was done in hand spun alpaca that I bought at Headwater Wool in Orangeville, Ontario. I believe she imported it in from Europe. if anyone is interested, I have 2 skeins of it left, check out my stash on Ravelry.

side bar ~ the jacobean socks ..... thought about backing them out to the point where I messed the pattern up, but decided to frog them completely and start again. I wasn't even done the 1st pattern repeat, so it wasnt that bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Shetland shawl is STUNNING!!!!

Which yarn did you use?

Looking forward to seeing the socks too!

(btw I think my crazy idea will work ...)