~ I suppose the 2 big things for July were my Mum and Mother-In-Law's birthdays are both during this month. my Mum was turning 29, my MIL 30 ??!! ok, better make it 39 & 40 ..... would you believe 49 & 50 ?? (well, that's what I'm sticking with, as they are BOTH so youthful looking ... as are all the women in the family :) )
~ I'm heading to Ancaster to sit with MIL who is home but in a lot of pain, and I need something to knit (that doesn't require spending money). I have some left over aran, that would be perfect for the Fashion Cable Knit Bag from Michaels ..... a casting-on we go !!! as I HATE sewing up a knitting project worse that pretty much anything, rather than following the instructions for the bag, I decided to knit it from the bottom up, in the round. it's a bloody pain to start, but now that it's going it is turning out just lovely !!
~ summer is over and it's back to the regular routines of school & dance for DD. this is a big year for her, grade-12 ... it's hard to believe !! doesn't seem that long ago that it was me starting my senior year.
~ Scotch Thistle Lace Stole is "done" ... well, not as per the pattern, because unfortunately I ran out of yarn ... BUT, it's done as far as it's going, and the 2 ends are grafted together .... now all I have to do is block it (any bets on how long this is going to take me to finally get around to do ??!!)
~ this is another popular month for the family. DD turned 17 on October 16, foster puppies Betty & Maisie have birthdays on October 17th, and my parents had their wedding anniversary on October 20. Betty (foster puppy #3) turned 3, disqualified from the DogGuide CVC program last August because of kennel stress, and was adopted by DD. she's still a very nervous dog, but is happy to be "home". Maisie (foster puppy #4) turned 2 on the same day. she has also disqualified from the DogGuide program, and now lives with a great family in the next neighbourhood. we keep in touch with them and I love hearing how she is doing. now that she has settled in with her new family, I'm looking forward to some play dates where we can get the dogs together. it will be great to see Maisie again !!!
~ want to start the "flying south" pattern using the yarn from the September Pick Up Sticks Fleece Artist Sock Club package. it's the perfect colours for my mum, and would be a nice surprise in her Christmas stocking .... unfortunately, my 2.5mm circular's are "somewhere safe". I think it's time to go thru my stash and figure out what I have, and where everything is !!
~ I spent most of the Oct 17th weekend either sorting and organizing my yarn stash and knitting/sewing area in the basement. OMG what a job !!! I headed downstairs about noon on Saturday, and didn't come up for air until 7:00pm that evening .... and when I finally did I went upstairs to find my house FREEZING COLD and DARK !! when I headed down at noon, it was a lovely day so I opened up the house to let the fresh air in ..... well by 7:00 not only had the sun gone down but so had the temperature !!! it was definitely a productive day though. I THINK I have found all my hidden stashes of yarn .... all the bags, bins, baskets, containers and boxes all sorted thru, re-wound and assigned to it's new storage bin (based on yarn weight). much of the yarn has been entered into my "stash" on Ravelry, but I haven't taken pictures of most of it yet. I also went thru and catalogued a number of my knitting/craft related books, magazines and pattern booklets. there were some interesting in-progress discoveries ... some got frogged, some put aside to be frogged, and a couple put in my "to finish" pile. I'm also putting a bag together of "unknown" and partial balls of yarn, that can be donated for charity knitting. the good news is my yarn has been organized ... the bad news is I've discovered hidden stashes of material and other craft supplies that I still have to deal with ... oh well, another craft, another weekend :)
~ finished a cute wee baby sweater, Little Sweetie, that I started YEARS ago .... not sure if it was the right colour combination, as you really cant see the pattern ... but at least it's finally done :)
~ frustrated, bored, and don't know what to knit ... still haven't found the 2.5mm needles to start my Mum's socks .....so what do I have handy ...... cotton yarn, perfect for dishcloths. too lazy to look thru for a pattern, so I'll just wing it for a while. they are dead easy, brainless knitting and great while you are watching Friday night television !! 2 down, and unlimited number to go. I was planning on getting a bunch done for Christmas anyway, so this got me going.
~ Saturday Oct 25 was a machine knitting workshop at Cardiknits in Hamilton. it was a VERY educational day, and I was all pumped up to go home and re-setup my knitting machine and get something cast-on. (did I mention that I MAY have left the workshop with 3 new cones of yarn :) got home and headed downstairs to my newly cleaned & organized knitting area to set-up my knitting machines. had some trouble getting the carriage to slide smoothly, but I wondered if it just needed a cleaning/dusting ... APPARENTLY NOT !! I cast-on some waste yarn ready to knit my first row ... JAM!! pulled everything off, re-caston .. JAM .... JAM ... JAM .... ok, I'm REALLY getting frustrated now. I end up sliding the carriage off, and putting it back on a couple of times, when all of a sudden, it slides on as smooth as butter .... crap, I didn't have the carriage on right, and it was jamming the hooks. re-cast on again, with the carriage on properly, and knit a few rows to find the last 2 stitches not knitting at all .... turns out the repeated jamming totally bent the 2 hooks (so that they are no longer hook shaped !!) ok, no worries, I'll call Pat and ask her for a couple of new hooks ..... I'll just try to cast-on the other side of "0", it's working just beautifully, EXCEPT for ONE BLOODY stitch. this hook must be FUBAR too, but I cant tell by looking at it. I have 3 extra hooks, but by this point, I am NOT in any mental frame of mind to figure out how to replace them ..... yarn goes away, cover goes on, and it's no knitting for me tonight
~ Sunday Oct 25 .... Happy Birthday Wendi !!!
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